Friday, January 14, 2005

The P.E.G. Screenwriting Competition: Odds are looking better every day

P.E.G., the Princeton Entertainment Group - a splinter alumni org that has divided the loyalties of the officially sanctioned Princeton-in-Hollywood (PiH) group - has proudly announced that its first annual Princeton-only screenwriting competition netted fifty entries over three categories (Drama, Action, Comedy).

The finalists will be reviewed by a pretty good list of industry contacts (a William Morris agent, UTA agent, Benderspink exec, etc) to determine the winners in each category. Winners, and probably a few of the finalists, will net meetings with those contacts and where it goes from there is up to each individual.

When I entered my screenplay into the competition I figured the odds would be pretty good at being a finalist. There can't be that many alums aspiring to be screenwriters and among them, half probably aren't very good at it. With only fifty entries divided amongst three categories, I'll only have about sixteen other scripts to beat out. Not bad odds.

Finalists and winners won't be announced or another month or two.


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